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Showing posts from March, 2016

[AX 7 Retail] : The service is not provisioned for the same tenant. User is hitting a retail server that does not belong to the same tenant as the Activation account

If you have downloaded an AX7 VM for Development especially for Retail do have a look at this article Unless you do the steps mentioned in your link you will get errors like the The service is not provisioned for the same tenant. User is hitting a retail server that does not belong to the same tenant as the Activation account

Hyper-V VM 100% disk utilization

I was facing a persistent issue of 100% disk utilization on starting any VM in my Hyper-V. The below link helped me to resolve it

[AX 7 Retail]: Retail SDK Handbook

Just a short but nevertheless important post. I discovered this document AX7 Retail Handbook while browsing my LCS deployed AX 7 RTW VM Retail SDK folder. Overall the document is made up of two parts. The first covers the Retail Sdk, build, configurations that can be done to be more productive. Additionally, typical branching strategy is discussed in order to work effectively in teams. The second part contains details about the main extensibilities that are possible with the Retail Sdk. Anyone getting started with writing code against the Sdk can use it as a reference in order to get started. Some sample extensions are also provided in the same folder path. Kudos to the team at Microsoft for going the extra mile to provide this document and sample extensions. PS: If you have access to the LCS Deployed VM please access these materials there, I would not be in a position to share these as copyrights apply.   Update -   These documents have been discussed...

[AX 7 Retail] : Moving Till Screen Layouts from one environment to another

Recently i needed to move my configuration from one environment to another. I expected it to be easy thanks to the Data Entities available in AX 7. However being the first time to do this it was a bit of a pain. First off it took me a while to locate the Data Entity I wanted to use. As its a long list I tend to apply a filter "Retail" to my the list of Data Entities.However turns out that they have a I should have used the filter "POS".  In order to move the screen layouts few important entities are the POS Button Grid, POS button grid buttons, and the  POS screen layout button grid zones  . These hold the definitions of the grids displayed in your POS screen layout, buttons (which trigger functionality in the POS) within them and the  grid zones  assigned to those screen layouts.  Another issue is assigning the images associated with the buttons. If the images on your environments have different indexes , you need to again associa...

AX 7 - Retail Distribution Jobs

Just a short post w.r.t Distribution Jobs that sync data from AX HQ to your Retail Channels, if you notice that the Distribution Jobs are not running for quite some time, you may want to check if the following service is running on the AX machine.  Since the distribution jobs executes as a batch job on the AX server, this service is responsible for executing these jobs. 

Inventory locations not appearing in MPOS

You need to configure store locator group as described in this link and then configure longitude and latitude for your retail channel